CPA Beijing Office Holds 2012 New Staff Orientation Programme
Initiating the program was a briefing by general manager Mr. Li Yong on CPA's history, with particular emphasis on the principle of integrity as the cornerstone that the firm had stuck to over the course of its development. Following were talks by CPA Beijing office deputy director Mr. Wu Yuhe, who delineated the professional ethnics cherished by the firm, and by department managers outlining the basic roles, responsibilities and regulations of respective departments.
The speech by founding member Mr. Yang Kai was especially touching. He recounted how he collaborated closely with other founding members, including Mr. Liu Gushu, Mr. Ning Dekui, and Mr. Zhou Chuanjie, to overcome the extremely tough conditions in the early 1980s when the firm was still a start-up. According to him, under the financial distress back then, even a ride on public transport was an expense item to be prudent about.
The spotlight then fell on the new colleagues, who were each allowed some brief time for self introduction. Many of them expressed appreciation for the chance of joining CPA, which they found to be a firm devoting to professional services, talent development, and maintenance of positive and friendly work environment. In response, the top management hoped that the new members would attend to their work with patience and perseverance while at the same time think bold and dream big.

Mr. Yang Kai recounting early day stories of the firm
New staff introducing themselves
All participants of the orientation program in snapshot
Birthday surprise - Ms. Chan Hongxu of Legal Affairs Department receiving the cake from Mr. Li Yong, with her birthday falling on one of the orientation days
Evening gathering for entertainment and relaxation
Time to show off talent in sing and dance
The scenery after snow offering equally stunning landscape although the scheduled activity of climbing the Great Wall being thwarted by the snow