
SAIC Focuses on Further Intensifying Trademark Protection in 2015

Recently, the State Administration for Industry & Commerce of China (SAIC) expounded at a work meeting the four focuses of its work on market regulation nationwide for year 2015, one of which is further intensifying the protection of trademark rights.
In this respect, SAIC is set to reinforce investigation and disposal of cases related to well-known and famous trademarks, geographical indications, and foreign-related trademarks. Also, the authority will continue pushing forward the reform of trademark examination mechanism, expand progressively the scope of online trademark application, enhance the transparency of trademark reviews, improve the efficiency of trademark examination and review, put in place measures to further facilitate trademark registration, cultivate enterprises' awareness of the importance of trademark rights protection and brand value, and advance the development of brand economy.
The other three focuses of SAIC's work for the year are: i) stepping up enforcement against monopolistic agreements and abuse of a market dominant position, and against trade secret infringement especially in the pharmaceutical and mechanical fields; ii) rigorous investigation and disposal of online sales, distribution, and deceptive advertising of counterfeit and inferior goods, and tracing the legal liabilities for operation of illegal websites; and iii) strict implementation of credit supervisory measures including mandatory public notice of corporate credit information, and blacklisting of enterprises involved in abnormal operation and serious violation of law.


Datum:2015-01-28Zurück zur Liste
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