Forum on Copyright Protection in Internet Age Held in Beijing

On 20 September 2014, a forum entitled "Copyright Protection in Internet Age – Network Technology Progress and Copyright Law Changes" was held in Beijing. About a hundred representatives from the government, the courts, and law firms in China attended the forum. Among the attendees were delegates of the WIPO China Office, which was opened in July 2014 in Beijing to support the World Intellectual Property Office's work in the country.
The forum explored issues such as network information dissemination right addressed in the proposed amendment of the Chinese Copyright Law. A range of related topics were presented by speakers from the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO), IP tribunals of the courts, and academic institutions, including: statutory and judicial protection for network copyright, network service providers' obligation of copyright examination, establishment of infringement of right to network dissemination of information, and digital libraries and reasonable use.
The forum was hosted by China Intellectual Property Law Association in collaboration with Beijing Zhuoya Economic and Social Development Research Center, and Tsinghua University-Microsoft Joint Research Center for Innovation and Intellectual Property.