2012 AIPPI China/Asia Seminar Convenes in Beijing
On 11-12 April 2012, the 2012 AIPPI China/Asia Seminar was held in Beijing. The event was jointly organized by AIPPI Chinese National Group and the Bureau of AIPPI, with support from State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).
During the seminar, there were presentations by Chinese and foreign experts on a wide range of IP hot topics, covering patent practice in China, the new Chinese design protection practice, as well as internet trademark infringement and trademark administrative litigation in China.
There were also two mock trials addressing one patent case and one trademark case, organized and undertaken by China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) and CCPIT respectively. Guest judges were invited to form the collegial panels, including IPR Tribunal Vice President Ms. Jiang Ying and Judge Chen Wenxuan from Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court, Judge Liu Hui from IPR Tribunal of Beijing Higher People’s Court, and Mr. Ren Gang, Inspector of Trademark Appeal Board of State Administration for Industry & Commerce of China.
By simulating actual trials through role plays, the mock courts helped seminar participants to gain understanding of the Chinese courts' adjudication of patent and trademark cases in practice.
The two-day seminar drew an attendance of more than 300 participants, comprising AIPPI members from different parts of the world, officials from SIPO and the Chinese Trademark Office, IP judges, scholars and industry experts.

Mr. Ma Hao (left), Vice President of AIPPI China and President of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office, chairing opening ceremony

CCPIT Vice President Mr. Dong Songgen delivering opening speech

AIPPI President Mr. Kim Yoon Bae delivering opening speech

Professor Zhang Ping from Peking University Law School speaking on enforcement of standard essential patents

Ms. Jiang Ying, Vice President of IPR Tribunal of Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court,
briefing on typical cases related to internet trademark infringement in China

Mr. Chen Jinchuan, Chief Judge of IPR Tribunal of Beijing Higher People’s Court, giving an update on
trademark administrative litigation in China
Mr. Zhang Guangliang, Associate Professor at IP School of Renmin University of China, talking about
adjudication of patent cases in China

Patent mock court in progress (cross-examining)

Trademark mock court in progress (pronouncing judgment)

Mr. Luo Dongchuan, Director of Applied Law Institute of the Supreme People’s Court of China,
commenting on the mock trial
Mr. Li Yong, Vice President of AIPPI China and General Manager of China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd.,
chairing closing ceremony

Mr. Stephan Freischem, AIPPI Secretary General, delivering closing remarks

Mr. Yang Wu, Vice President of AIPPI China and President of Liu, Shen & Associates, delivering closing remarks