AIPPI Forum & ExCo 2011 Convenes in India

On 13-18 October, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, or AIPPI (acronym of the association's French name), convened its 2011 Forum & ExCo meeting in Hyderabad, India.
The Hyderabad meeting was participated by 703 members from 64 countries and regions. There were 19 members from China taking part in the forums, and 9 national delegates were appointed by AIPPI Chinese Group to join the ExCo sessions.
The occasion offered 12 forum workshops and 4 working sessions as the platforms for collecting inputs from member Groups worldwide to achieve harmonisation of national laws and exchange of views related to IP protection. Reports on the following four working questions, among others, were discussed in depth and adopted at the meeting:
- Exceptions to copyright protection and the permitted uses of copyright works in the hi-tech and digital sectors;
- The patentability criterion of inventive step non-obviousness;
- The requirement of genuine use of trademarks for maintaining protection; and
- Injunctions in cases of infringement of IPRs.
It was further decided by vote that the 2015 AIPPI Forum & ExCo will be hosted by Brazil in Rio de Janeiro.
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) was represented in the meeting by assistant general manager Ms. Kathryn Fu and two colleagues, who also made use of the opportunity to meet some of CPA's clients in the city during their stay there.

AIPPI secretary general Mr. Stephen Freischem chairing the meeting

CPA assistant general manager Ms. Kathryn Fu at the meeting