Forum on Japan-China Biotech IP Convenes in Tokyo

Further to the China-Japan Biotech Intellectual Property Forum held in Beijing last September, China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) joint hands again with Kyowa Patent and Law Office of Japan to co-host the Japan-China Biotech IP Forum, which was held in Tokyo on 20 September 2011.
The forum gathered more than a dozen Chinese and Japanese senior experts, and was well-received by the hundred-plus attendees from enterprises, higher education institutes, and law firms associated with the field of biotech and pharmacy across Japan.
Revolving around the theme of biotech patent protection in the two nations, CPA general manager Mr. Li Yong gave an opening keynote speech on China’s IP landscape, whereas Ms. Sun Guangxiu, director of pharmacy and biotech examination department of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), provided details about regulations and examination practice of relevant patent application in China.
Also speaking at the forum was CPA attorney Mr. Cheng Miao, who advised with the aid of case analysis on the strategy of biotech patent application in China for the reference of foreign applicants. Last but not least, Mr. Kurose Masashi, vice president of Kyowa Patent, focused on matters to note in face of patent litigation in China from the perspective of Japanese right-holders.
The forum was concluded with a session for questions from the floor, and has proved to be an effective platform for dialogue and exchange between the two nations on their biotech-related patent application practice.

CPA's six-member delegation led by general manager Mr. Li Yong (second from the right) with participating experts from SIPO and Kyowa Patent.