WIPO China Office Conducts First Chinese Media Workshop in Beijing

On 22-23 July 2015, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)'s first workshop targeting the Chinese media since China's accession to the WIPO was held in Beijing. The workshop was intended to enhance the Chinese media practitioners' understanding of WIPO and their reporting of IP news at home and abroad to the general public and IP community of the country.
The event, organised by WIPO China Office as an activity marking the first anniversary of its establishment, gathered more than 60 participants from the conventional paper media as well as the "we media" sectors. During the workshop, WIPO press and media official Ms. Samar Shamoon provided an introduction to WIPO, including its mission, membership, administered treaties, internal organisations, outreach activities, and service provision. In addition, several officers from WIPO China Office presented respectively on subjects including the founding and the roles and activities of the Office; international treaties and copyright protection; and the Hague system for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.

On 23rd July, the participants were arranged visits to two enterprises, namely, Beijing Iqiyi Co., Ltd., an online video provider, and Lenovo Group, the well-established computer maker. The visits helped to impress on the participants how copyright and patent can be instrumental in shoring up an enterprise's growth and how IP is practically integrated into economic and social life.
The WIPO China Office was opened in Beijing in July 2014. It is the fifth of its kind set up by WIPO after its counterparts in Singapore, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, and Mexico.