AIPPI China & US Co-organise IP Meeting in Hangzhou

Hosts and guest speakers at the seminar
On 14-15 November 2013, China-US Intellectual Property Seminar was held in Hangzhou, China. This was the first-of-its-kind activity organised by International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) China and its counterpart AIPPI-US in collaboration.
The seminar attracted over a hundred participants, including representatives from the subcouncil of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the provincial IP office, corporate IP departments, and law firms. Among the attendees were China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA)'s assistant general manager Mr. Wang Jingchao and Shenzhen office director Mr. Wen Dapeng.
Following the opening ceremony, which was hosted by AIPPI China secretary general Mr. Li Yi, a range of topics were presented by guest speakers surrounding the theme of the seminar - major features of the Chinese and US patent systems and their differences. Specifically, the topics covered included: resolution of IP disputes by litigation and non-litigation means, the Myriad gene patenting case, procedures of patent validity litigation before US Patent and Trademark Office, design patent application and protection in the US, IP management and practice of US high tech companies, design patent application and protection in China, impact of amendment to Trademark Law on trademark application and protection in China, patent mining and management of pharmaceutical and biotech companies, as well as utility model protection and related exploitation strategy in China.
The closing ceremony, chaired by CPA assistant general manager Mr. Wang, ended in a final note that took the attendees by surprise. The emotion-charged recitation by the AIPPI US delegation in Putonghua of the famous Tang dynasty poet 白居易(Bai Juyi, 772-846 AD)'s poem "忆江南" ("Recall of the Fair South"), in particular the expressive utterance of the lines "江南忆, 最忆是杭州" (Recalling the fair South, the most dearly recalled is Hangzhou), was so well-received that made a perfect conclusion of the seminar.
Before leaving for their homeland, the 30-member AIPPI US delegation was arranged a visit to Alibaba Group. They had full exchanges of view with the group's legal teams on many IP related issues, especially IP infringement in relation to e-commerce.

AIPPI China and US delegations picture with management and legal teams of Alibaba Group