Mainland, HK and Macao IP Symposium 2010
The 11th Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR Intellectual Property Symposium, jointly organized by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of China, Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong SAR Government and Economic Services of the Government of the Macao SAR, was held in Macao on 27 October 2010.
With the latest updates on IP and the trend of development as the starting point, this year's symposium analysed the interactions between IP and the overall development of the society around three themes, namely, "Latest Developments of IP in Mainland, HK SAR and Macao SAR", "IP Protection Issues in the Environmental Industry", and "Innovation Changes the World • IP Leads Economic Development". In addition, there were discussions and case studies to explore ways to promote autonomous innovation and foster economic development through effective use of IP.
The annual event has attracted close to 200 representatives from relevant government authorities, enterprises, IP firms, industrial associations and institutes of the three places. It continued to serve as an effective platform for the sector to update themselves and exchange views on IP-related issues.

CPA representatives, namely, general manager Mr. Li Yong (third from the left), senior counsel Ms. Jenny Wang (first from the right), and manager of Patent Application Department Ms. Helen Jiang (first from the left) with Mr. Stephen Selby, director of intellectual property, the Government of the Hong Kong SAR (third from the right), Mr. Lv Zhihua, deputy director of the Chinese Trademark Office under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China (second from the right), and Ms. Zhao Xiuling, director of Enforcement Division under National Copyright Administration of China (second from the left).