CPA Awarded Top 10 Patent Agencies at 7th Chinese Intellectual Property Forum
On 28 December 2019, the Chinese Intellectual Property Forum (CIPF) & Technological Innovation Awards Ceremony organised by Beijing Power-nation Intellectual Property Institute was held in Beijing.
During the ceremony, China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) was awarded again the honour of CIPF Top 10 Patent Agencies, and CPA assistant general manager Mr. Yuan Shaohui was present to receive the award.
The award recognised outstanding patent firms during the year in terms of innovation competence, market presence, development capacity, and operating ability.
CIPF is an annual IP platform for exchanges of views with the objective of fostering national IP strategy. This year's forum gathered about 200 attendees, representing authorities in charge of IP and technological innovation matters, think tanks, enterprises, and IP agencies across the country.