European Patent Office Examiners Visit CPA Beijing Office

On 13 August 2014, six examiners from European Patent Office (EPO) visited the Beijing office of China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) for exchanges on patent examination and practice in Europe and China.
The meeting with the EPO delegation was hosted by our deputy general manager Ms. Tina Tai, and the attendees included CPA Beijing office Chemistry Department deputy managers Mr. Zhao Sulin, Ms. Zou Xuemei, and Mr. Guo Yu, as well as representatives from the IP department of Bayer China. Some attorneys from CPA Hong Kong office, Shanghai office and Shenzhen office also participated in the meeting via teleconference.
The meeting consisted of presentation and discussion sections. Topics presented by the EPO examiners included: latest development of European patent law and practice, chemistry and polymer patent examination standards, objection to amendments that go beyond original disclosure, and determination of inventive step. In addition, Mr. Zhao Sulin reported on experience relating to filing of patent applications by Chinese applicants in Europe.
During the discussion time, the EPO delegation and our attorneys explored issues concerning the European and Chinese patent application and examination procedures. This sharing and communication proved effective in enhancing mutual understanding and clarifying queries in application prosecution practice of both sides, thus allowing us to better serve our clients in future.