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CPA Delegation Attend 14th Business of IP Asia Forum

On 5-6 December 2024, the 14th Business of IP Asia Forum was held in Hong Kong. The forum, jointly organised by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (HKSAR Government) and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), brought together over 3,000 participants including intellectual property (IP) owners, users, investors, experts, and business leaders from around the world to explore the potential of IP and promote business innovation and growth. Our firm China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) attended the event with a delegation of ten-plus members led by general manager Mr. Wu Yuhe and deputy general manager Mr. Xiong Yanfeng.

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The theme of this forum was "Reimaging IP for Impact and Growth". Over 120 seasoned professionals and renowned experts from home and overseas were invited to speak for the policy dialogue, global tech summit, plenary sessions and thematic breakout sessions of the forum, sharing their insights on a myriad of issues, among them, the current IP landscape and role of IP in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship as well as promoting global economic growth and social development, evaluation and financing of AI-related business, IP and dispute resolution in the digital era, a guide for startups in IP industry, and latest achievements and development trends in IP in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


The two-day events further featured an exhibition. CPA was one of the exhibitors, leveraging the platform to publicise the strengths of our firm in IP service provision and familiarise the participants with China's achievements in IP development in the past decades while answering enquires from visitors of our booth. Our delegates at the forum also took the chance to meet clients, peers and associates for in-depth business exchanges.


Date:2024-12-10Return to List
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd.


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