2023年1-8月地理标志业务统计表 | |
Statistics of Geographical Indications | |
January - August, 2023 | |
项目 Items |
当年累计 Total Amount of the Year |
地理标志产品申请受理件数 Applications for Geographical Indication Products |
10 |
地理标志产品批准件数 Approved Geographical Indication Products |
6 |
核准使用专用标志企业(家) Enterprises/Entrepreneurs Approved to Use Special Marks |
4980 |
地理标志商标注册件数 Geographical Indication Trademark Registrations |
137 |
注:1.集体商标、证明商标注册当年累计统计日期为上年度12月16日至当月15日。 | |
2.地理标志产品保护受理、地理标志产品保护批准口径为发布公告受理、批准的地理标志产品保护申请。 | |
3.市场主体统计口径为开通矢量图下载权限的地理标志专用标志合法使用人,包括核准使用地理标志产品专用标志的生产者、作为集体商标注册的注册人集体成员、作为证明商标注册的被许可人。 | |
Note: 1. The total of the current year for the registration as collective marks and certification marks are compiled from December 16th of the last year to the 15th of the current month. | |
2.Accepted applications for the products of geographic indications and approved products of geographic indications are compiled in accordance with the publication of the accepted and approved products of geographic indication. | |
3.The market players compiled in the table refer to the legitimate users of the special marks for geographic indications who have opened permission to download vector diagrams, including makers approved to use the marks, collective registrants for the registration of collective marks, and licensees for the registration of certification marks. |