EPO Senior Examiners Visit CPA HK & Shenzhen High-Tech Enterprise for Exchanges on Chinese and European Patent Practice

Recently, a delegation of senior examiners from European Patent Office (EPO) including Mr. Jacek Drabko, accompanied by Mr. Benedikt Neuburger from German IP firm Zimmerman & Partner, visited respectively China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) in Hong Kong and a domestic high-tech enterprise Vertiv China in Shenzhen to conduct exchanges on Chinese and European patent application and examination practice.
On 23 October 2017, the EPO delegation were warmly received at our Hong Kong headquarters by CPA assistant general manager Mr. Wang Jingchao, Patent Application Department manager Mr. Ma Yongli, Electronics & Electricity Department deputy manager Mr. Jiangjun, Mechanics Department deputy manager Mr. Ji Changzhi, and Chemistry Department deputy manager Ms. Carol Li. During their visit the EPO examiners gave a series of talks to our attorneys and other staff members at CPA Hong Kong Office. Deputy general manager Ms. Tina Tai and other colleagues from CPA's branch offices in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Shanghai also remotely participated in the talks.
The topics presented by the EPO delegation covered the unitary patent; EPO grant, refusal, appeal, and opposition procedures; and the European practice with respect to clarity, novelty, and inventive step. Our colleagues have taken advantage of the good opportunity to raise questions and discussed with the EPO examiners on issues of interest and concern.
On 24 October 2017, the EPO delegation visited Vertiv China in the company of CPA Shenzhen Office director Mr. Yuan Shaohui. The delegation were introduced to the enterprise's facilities and technologies as related to the data centre, thermal management system, Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), power systems, charging stations, and industrial systems. The delegation had business exchange with Vertiv China's IP team and during the exchange provided professional guidance on European patent application and protection policies.
The visits and exchanges, which CPA have hosted for a few years, proved to be beneficial to mutual understanding between CPA attorneys, EPO examiners, and the enterprises, and enhancing the capability of the enterprises in obtaining grant and protection of IP rights overseas.




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