CPA Further Donates 203 Computers to Schools to Help Poverty Alleviation through Educational Infrastructure Support

China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) recently made a donation of 203 computers and peripherals to schools in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province of southwestern China.
On 6 September 2017, CPA Shenzhen Office director Mr. Yuan Shaohui and two other colleagues departed from CPA Shenzhen Office, heading for Congjiang Country to hand over in person the donations to the education department of the county. Mr. Yuan also represented our firm to sign an agreement with Mr. Yang Jianhua, Secretary for Education, Science and Technology Bureau of Congjiang County, specifying matters related to purposes and administration of the donation. And on 7 September, Mr. Yuan, accompanied by some local personnel, visited two primary schools in the mountainous areas, meeting the teaching and management staff of the schools to better understand the need and conditions of educational facilities there.
This is a second-time donation further to our computer donation to schools of the region earlier this year, as part of our efforts to honour corporate responsibility and contribute to the cause of poverty alleviation through educational infrastructure support. 




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