CPA Ranked Top Tier Again in Patent & Trademark/Copyright in 2017 ALB IP Rankings
We are pleased to share that in Asian Legal Business (ALB)'s recently released China IP Rankings 2017, China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) is ranked again as a tier 1 firm in both patent and trademark/copyright categories. This is the third consecutive year that CPA has won this honour in the ALB rankings. CPA has consistently committed ourselves to providing quality and professional IP services to our clients at home and abroad, and many of the cases we handled have been identified as exemplary and influential cases. We appreciate our clients and peers' recognition of our efforts in this as well as other international IP surveys.
ALB is a leading legal magazine in Asia owned by Thomson Reuters. In the ALB IP Rankings, Tier 1 represents the strongest IP firms of relevant category in the specific jurisdiction, and attributes for assessment of the candidates include their work in terms of volume, complexity and size, as well as their presence in the region, growth of practice, key personnel, and major clients.