CPA Beijing Conducts 2015 New Staff Orientation

The 2015 new staff orientation of China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) was conducted at CPA Beijing office on 14-15 November 2015. CPA general manager Mr. Zeng Xiangling, Beijing office director Mr. Kong Zhiqiang and deputy director Mr. Wu Yuhe, along with respective department managers, were present to welcome and meet the 32 new staff members of the year.
The orientation briefed the new colleagues on company history and organisational culture, as well as provided them with information about roles and responsibilities, job requirements, professional ethics, company policies, and department operations. Moreover, retired former CPA Shenzhen office director Mr. Yang Kai was invited to take part and share, as a co-founder of CPA, stories of hardship and perseverance during the early years of the firm.
The new colleagues were given time to speak and introduce themselves during the orientation. While some of them talked about their preliminary impression of the firm, many reflected on what they got from the orientation programme, and others revealed their career goals or raised job-related questions. The orientation proved to be instrumental in allowing new members of the firm to know what they were expected in their roles and thus helped them adjust to an unfamiliar working environment. It also gave them a clear picture of their career path toward more successful career planning.






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