CPA Attends Symposium on 30th Anniversary of Implementation of Chinese Patent Law

General manager of China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. Mr. Zeng Xiangling stands in the back row second from the right. 
On 25 March 2015, a symposium was conducted by China Intellectual Property Society (CIPS) in Beijing to mark the 30th anniversary of the implementation of the Patent Law of the PRC.
Chaired by Mr. Gan Shaoning, deputy commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and executive deputy president of CIPS, the symposium reviewed the accomplishment of the Chinese IP sector over the past three decades, reflected on the experience gained, examined issues that need to be addressed, and explored the future direction of the nation’s patent system. These talks were especially worthy and constructive against the backdrop of IP being considered a new engine of growth in the course of comprehensive deepening of reform, implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, and acceleration of economic transformation and upgrading in China.
Also held during the symposium was the presentation of the engagement certificates to the second batch of CIPS's Academic Advisory Committee members by Mr. Tian Lipu, president of CIPS and former commissioner of SIPO. It is our honour that Mr. Zeng Xiangling, general manager of China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA), is also one of the appointees. This surely offers us a good platform to leverage on so that our firm can continue to contribute to the development of the domestic IP industry, help popularise IP knowledge, and participate in IP services.






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