CPA Holds First Inter-office Youth Exchanges cum Friendship Cup Basketball Game

China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) recently held the first inter-office youth exchanges cum Friendship Cup basketball game featuring the joint team of Hong Kong headquarter and Shenzhen office vs Beijing office.
In the afternoon of 27 February 2016, 30-plus young colleagues from our Hong Kong headquarter, Shenzhen office, and Beijing office gathered in CPA Shenzhen office for the events. After being shown around the office and introduced to the staff members and about the operation of the office, the young staff members proceeded to in-depth discussion about work coordination between the offices, with a view to further enhancing the efficiency and quality of services to the clients.
The exchanges were followed by the inter-office contest in a Shenzhen basketball court. Right from the tip-off, the Beijing office team, with their dexterity and coordination, in particular of its star members whose outstanding performances helped the team claim championships in past Intellectual Property Basketball Association (IPBA) tournaments, had been leading the game and closed the second quarter at 30:26.
However, the joint team of Hong Kong and Shenzhen offices caught up from the third quarter onward, leveraging home field advantage as well as the competitors' falling off in physical strength and lack of substitutes strength. Finally, the joint team managed to outscore Beijing office team 67:55 with blitz and improved hit rates in long and middle shots, thus sealing the victory for the Friendship Cup.
The events of the day were highly valued by our firm's top management. General manager Mr. Zeng Xiangling, deputy general manager Mr. Luo Hong, and assistant general manager Ms. Kathryn Fu participated in steering the exchanges and stayed to watch and shared the fun of the basketball game.






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