CPA Holds Inter-office Basketball Match

On 6 July 2013, China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) held an inter-office basketball match, with its Shenzhen office team playing against Hong Kong office team.

The CPA Shenzhen team, led by Shenzhen office's deputy director Ms. Li Lan, crossed the border to compete with its HK colleagues. CPA deputy general managers Mr. Zeng Xiangling and Mr. Luo Hong were present to watch the game and give support to the players.
 Deputy general manager Mr. Zeng Xiangling (6th from the left of back row), Shenzhen office deputy director Ms. Li Lan (7th from the left of back row),
and deputy general manager Mr. Luo Hong (9th from the left of back row) with the two teams of players.
Since the start of the game, the players had played hard and spared no effort in applying shooting skills with good speed and agility to get scores. There was no lack of exciting moments throughout the game. Intensified by cheers from the courtside, atmosphere within the gymnasium was comparable to the steaming 35 degree temperature outside.
Deputy general manager Mr. Zeng initiates the game with a tip-off  
The competition was tough, and the final victory went to CPA Shenzhen team. Although both teams had displayed their fighting spirit during the game, off the court the players were happy either to meet their colleagues for the first time or reunite with old friends and acquaintances from the other office. As expected, the game has proved to be not only a healthy sport to play, but also an activity that strengthens ties among colleagues.
 Victory goes to CPA Shenzhen team after quarters of hard fight.  






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