CPA Participates in 5th Sports Meet of Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises

On 25 November 2012, the 5th Sports Meet organised by Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association was held in the Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground on Hong Kong island.  This year’s sports meet gathered 580 athletes from over 20 HK-based Chinese enterprises to participate in 24 sports. There were also team games, and contests for best opening ceremony parades and cheerleading to extend the competitive spirit.   
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) participated in the event with a team of twenty plus from its HK office, competing in track and field events of long jump, short and middle distance races, relay etc. and sharing fun in the group games. The CPA athletes have spared no efforts to excel, among them Ms. Anita Chu of Mechanics & Designs Department stood eighth overall in the shot put.
Thanks to all CPA colleagues who have participated in and contributed to the event. Captured below are some cherishable moments and memories of the day.
The CPA team marching in


Running on the rain-sodden ground (Chung Kam Chuen of Patent Application Department) 
Men’s 400m race (Wang Xin of Chemistry Department) 
Gearing up for the finishing line (Zhang Di of General Management Department)

Getting ready to go (Yuan Lingyan of Patent Application Department)

 Women’s 4 x 100m relay athletes (from the left: Sun Yi of Patent Application department, Zhou Zhuona and Zhang Di of General Management Department, Wu Zixiu of Patent Application Department)
Personnel Department manager Dong Buming (in the middle) and other CPA staff members cheering for colleague participants
Participating in one of the team games
Testing strength in another game







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