
世界知名知识产权杂志Managing Intellectual Property(MIP)每年在全球70多个国家和地区进行专利和商标事务所的调查评选。经过历时5个月的书面问卷与电话访谈,MIP杂志2009年度全球专利、商标代理事务所调查结果最新分别新鲜出炉,中国专利代理(香港)有限公司以其一贯优质的服务质素和丰富的办案经验再次被评为中国境内一级专利代理事务所和一级商标代理事务所。

Headquartered in Hong Kong with three branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, China Patent Agent (HK) remains a competitive force in both prosecution and litigation work. Led by general manager Li Yong, the firm serves many foreign multinationals including Philips, GM, GE, DuPont and Ericsson. One client says that the team excels in providing them with information and is "by far the best informed about changes and trends in China's patent law". One of the highlights of CPA (HK)'s work in the past 12 months was its success in defending the validity of its clients' patents against the decisions of the Patent Reexamination Board (PRB). In one case, the PRB declared a patent of leading bicycle components manufacturer Shimano to be invalid. The firm acted for Shimano to file an administrative lawsuit against the PRB at Beijing no 1 Intermediate People's Court and the court recently ruled in favour of Shimano. The firm helped Pfizer and Merck win similar victories.

2010-04-15 返回列表





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