
China Trademark Data Now Available in EUIPO's TMview 


On 19 May 2021, China joined EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office)'s trademark search platform TMview, making available the data of China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)'s 32 million-plus trademarks to global IP users free of charge via the platform.
With China's participation, the total number of trademarks in TMview has increased from 62 million to over 90 million contributed by 75 participating IP offices. The search tool allows businesses and IP practitioners to consult details of trademarks such as countries of origin, goods and services, type, and registration date.
The EUIPO is the first IP office with which the CNIPA has shared its trademark data. And this collaboration was achieved under the support of IP Key China, an EU-funded project implemented and co-funded by the EUIPO for promoting IP rights in China.
Datum:2021-05-31Zurück zur Liste
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