
Top 20 Foreign Countries by Trademark Applications in China for Year 2012

The Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO) released on 3 May 2013 the statistics on trademark applications in China for year 2012.
According to the statistics, 1,648,316 applications for trademark registration in China were accepted by CTMO during 2012, up 16.3% from the previous year. Of the total trademark applications in China during the year, applications filed by foreign applicants amounted to 145,776 (8.84% of the total), and among the foreign applications, 20,121 (2.95% of the total) were applications designating territorial extension to China under the Madrid system. 

The top 20 foreign countries or regions by number of trademark applications (including Madrid applications) in China for year 2012 were as follows: 

Ranking Country/Region Foreign Trademark Application Total
Country/Region Application Madrid Application
1 US


4,040 28,791
2 Japan 21,572 3,104 24,676
3 Germany 4,395 6,508 10,903
4 EU 0 9,100 9,100
5 France 3,599 5,274 8,873
6 UK 5,680 1,545 7,225
7 Korea 6,114 539 6,653
8 Italy 2,609 3,798 6,407
9 Switzerland 1,570 3,828 5,398
10 Australia 2,130 917 3,047
11 British Virgin Islands 2,758 0 2,758
12 Russia 389 1,974 2,363
13 Benelux 0 2,241 2,241
14 Spain 1,479 631 2,110
15 Singapore 1,836 231 2,067
16 Cayman Islands 1,742 0 1,742
17 Denmark 1,040 529 1,569
18 Canada 1,536 0 1,536
19 The Netherlands 1,101 0 1,101
20 New Zealand 1,090 0  1,090


Datum:2013-05-06Zurück zur Liste
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