
Taiwan to Set up IP Bank to Arm Enterprises Against International Patent Wars

Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) announced on 1 September 2011 that the institute is investing an initial capital of NT$200 million to set up an intellectual property bank (IP bank). According to schedule, the bank will take shape by this month.  
The IP bank is intended to help Taiwanese enterprises fend off escalating international patent wars that often resort to rights infringement litigation, by acquiring and managing strategically important patents for the use of the enterprises. ITRI said that the IP bank is expected to start operation in mid-October, and hopes that it will eventually operate largely on capital injection from the private sector.
Also in the plan is a counterclaim fund with an intended size of at least NT$ 500 million (approximately US$ 17 million), to be launched in the first quarter next year. The fund will focus on patents related in particular to display and smartphone industries, in the context of Taiwan’s smartphone markers and LCD manufactures having been at the center of patent infringement lawsuits in recent years.
On top of the counterclaim fund, a deployment fund starting off at NT$ 1 billion is scheduled to launch at a later stage. Said fund aims at building up patent portfolios for boosting Taiwanese enterprises' IP strength in emerging industries. In light of this, patents related to alternative energy, medical equipment, green materials, smart TV and LED industries will be targeted by the fund.   
Datum:2011-09-05Zurück zur Liste
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