
EPO Examiners Visit CPA Hong Kong & Beijing Offices

A delegation of the European Patent Office (EPO) recently visited China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) at its Hong Kong and Beijing offices, giving talks to us and exchanging with our patent attorneys and engineers on issues related to the European and Chinese patent application and examination practice.  

On 23 April 2018, EPO senior examiner Carl-Alexander Deffner and his four colleagues visited CPA Hong Kong Office and were welcomed by CPA assistant general manager Mr. Wang Jingchao, Patent Application Department manager Mr. Ma Yongli, Chemistry Department deputy manager Ms. Pang Lizhi, Mechanics Department deputy manager Mr. Ji Changzhi, and Electronics & Electricity Department deputy manager Mr. Jiang Jun. The EPO examiners presented on a number of topics during the meeting, which was attended by our patent attorneys and engineers at Hong Kong office, and participated via teleconference by our Shenzhen office director Mr. Yuan Shaohui and Shanghai office director Mr. Xiong Yanfeng along with other relevant staff members at the two offices.

During the EPO delegation's stay in the territory, they also visited University of Hong Kong and provided interested faculty there with some useful information on European patent application and protection strategies.

On 26 April, the EPO delegation proceeded to visit the Beijing Office of CPA and were received by CPA deputy general manager Ms. Tina Tai, assistant general manager Mr. Wu Yuhe, and Chemistry Department manager Mr. Li Liantao. The EPO examiners also gave talks during the occasion. Apart from our patent attorneys and engineers at Beijing Office, the talks were also attended by staff members involved in IP management from Sinopec Group and its subsidiaries.

The EPO examiners' presentations enhanced our understanding on topics including "latest development at EPO", "acceleration of patent examination process at EPO", "central opposition procedures", "sufficient disclosure", "amendment and correction of errors", and "inventive step", and have afforded an opportunity for in-depth discussion on issues in particular related to Chinese patent applications at EPO.



Datum:2018-05-03Zurück zur Liste
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