CPA Attends IPO Annual Meeting
The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) held its 2010 Annual Meeting on 12-14 September 2010 in Atlanta of the US. CPA's participation in the event was represented by its deputy general manager Mr. Zeng Xiangling, chief representative of its New York office Mr. Yu Yansheng, and patent attorney from its Mechanical Department Mr. Peng Wu.
The annual meeting has offered a platform for almost a thousand IP attorneys worldwide to update themselves and exchange views with others on the latest developments of the field as well as other topical issues. Highlights of the issues discussed include: impact of recent US cases on patent law, compulsory licensing as an emerging global IP issue (with special reference to practice in the US, Europe and China), use and abuse of trademarks on the internet, stopping counterfeiting around the world, new trends in US and European IP law and practice.