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          Trademark Cases Reviewed and Adjudicated in China, 2009

Item Cases by Category Number of Cases
Applications accepted Review of rejection of trademark applications 50572
review of trademark oppositions 5101
Dispute over registered trademarks 1838
Review of cancellation of registered trademarks 360
Total 57871
Adjudication Review of rejection of trademark applications 28594
review of trademark oppositions 3822
Dispute over registered trademarks 3989
Review of cancellation of registered trademarks 597
Total 37002
Administrative litigation against TRAB's Decision  Cases of first-instance 1346
Cases of second-instance 465
Cases of retrial 32
Total 1843
Administrative reconsideration Applications filed 98
Cases closed 84
TRAB: the Trademark Review and Adjudication Borad under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China (SAIC).

Date:2022-06-27Return to List
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