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SPC Publishes Draft Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Copyright and Related Rights 


On 5 August 2020, the Supreme People's Court of China (SPC) published the Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Copyright and Related Rights (Draft for Comment)《关于加强著作权和与著作权有关的权利保护的意见(征求意见稿)》for public comment.
The Opinions comprise 15 articles containing provisions that seek to, among others, shorten the trial cycle for cases involving copyright and related rights; relieve the burden of proof of the right-holders; strengthen the rights protection in such high-tech fields as the Internet, artificial intelligence, and big data; combat counterfeiting and piracy; duly compensate the loss of the right-holders; and address bad-faith, speculative litigation.
Interested parties may submit their views on the draft Opinions by mail or email to No. 3 Civil Tribunal of the SPC by the deadline of 20 September 2020.
Related link:
Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Copyright and Related Rights (Draft for Comment) [Chinese version]
Date:2020-08-06Return to List
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