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China Trademark Office Issues Explanations on Submission of Evidence of Trademark Use

On 13 August 2018, China Trademark Office published the Explanations on Submission of Evidence of Trademark Use, which specify the main types of recognised as well as unrecognised uses of a trademark in the sense of the Chinese Trademark Law.
According to the Explanations, uses of a trademark on goods under the following circumstances will be recognised as trademark use in China:
The Explanations further state that uses of a trademark in the following circumstances are not uses of the trademark in the sense of the Chinese Trademark Law:
In addition, the Explanations point out that force majeure, public policy restraints, bankruptcy liquidation, and other legitimate causes not imputed to trademark registrants themselves are justifiable reasons for non-use of a trademark in continuous three years.


Date:2018-08-20Return to List
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