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SIPO Releases Regulations on Service Inventions (Draft for Review) for Public Comments

The State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) has released the Regulations on Service Inventions (Draft for Review), which is now available for public comments. The formulation of the regulations echoes the requirements in the Outline of National Medium and Long-term Program for Talent Development (2010-2020) as regards formulating regulations on service sci-tech innovations, perfecting the mechanism for determining the ownership of inventions and benefit sharing of relevant IP right, and protecting the lawful rights and interest of sci-tech service inventors.
SIPO has devoted a separate page on its website for the topic, with a view to involve the public in the process toward legislation by making available to them contents including the previous drafts of the regulations for comments, feedback on the drafts, key issues in debate, and related legislations at home and abroad.
This Draft for Review was written on the basis of previous drafts incorporating feedback collected and researches conducted by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) in collaboration with other Chinese authorities comprising: Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIT), Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC), State Forestry Administration (SFA), Patent Protection Association of China (PPAC), and China Association of Inventions (CAI).
Interested parties may communicate their comments and suggestions to Legal Affairs Department of SIPO by email, fax or mail.
Regulations on Service Inventions (Draft for Review), December 2013 (in Chinese only)
Date:2014-04-04Return to List
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