Benchmark Litigation China's Inaugural Dispute Resolution Lists Recognise CPA Beijing, Shanghai & Shenzhen Offices and 3 CPA Attorneys as Outstanding Firms/Individuals
On 10 June 2021, Benchmark Litigation China, a regional guide that focuses on disputes and litigation market across different cities and provinces in China, was launched. China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) is glad to share that CPA Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen Offices were respectively placed on the recommended lists of dispute resolution law firm in China. In addition, CPA attorneys Mr. Ke Ke and Mr. Tang Chunlong were named Litigation Stars in the category of intellectual property (IP) of Beijing municipality and Guangdong province respectively, and CPA attorney Mr. Wang Liangrong was recognised as a Future Star in IP of Shanghai city.
This first edition of Benchmark Litigation China covers six major regions in China, namely, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and western China (Sichuan and Chongqing). And the dispute resolution practice areas include commercial disputes; international arbitration; compliance: government and regulations; construction and real estate; and Intellectual property.
Benchmark Litigation, established in 2008, is a publication focusing exclusively on dispute resolution and litigation. Benchmark Litigation China's recommendations are based on nine-months' extensive research and interviews, taking into consideration the recent cases handled by the firms/attorneys as well as feedback from peers and clients on the firms/attorneys.