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 CPA Staff Association Brings Together HK & Shenzhen Office Teams to Play Friendly Football Match

China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA)'s staff association recently organised a friendly football match between the firm's Hong Kong Office football team and its counterparts at Shenzhen Office. The match took place at Happy Valley Recreation Ground Pitch in Hong Kong, and CPA assistant general manager Mr. Wang Jingchao was present to watch the game and cheer for the players.
It was a cool, perfect evening for football playing, with the soft breezes around and the bright moon high up in the clear sky. On the field both teams were full of verve and energy. They ran at full speed, launching aggressive advances and forging ahead toward the goals, while the goalkeepers of both teams surprised the audience with their superb skills in stopping the ball and warding off threatening shots.
The match eventually ended in a 1:1 draw. Both teams have enjoyed the game very much and cherished the opportunity of participating in this fellowship-building, healthy activity on the pitch amidst their busy work schedule.
CPA Hong Kong Office football team
CPA Shenzhen Office football team
Date:2018-09-26Return to List
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