CPA Ranked Tier 1 Firm in Patent & Trademark/Copyright by Asian Legal Business
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) has been ranked by Asian Legal Business (ALB) as a tier 1 firm in the areas of patent as well as trademark/copyright in ALB 2016 China IP Rankings.
Over the years, CPA has devoted itself to providing comprehensive services of professional excellence to both domestic and foreign clients, and a number of cases our firm handled were placed among exemplary cases of the industry. We are full of thanks that our efforts are rewarded with the trust of our clients and recognition in surveys of internationally renowned IP media for many consecutive years.
Asian Legal Business is a leading legal magazine in Asia owned by Thomson Reuters. Tier 1 represents the strongest IP firms of the category in the relevant jurisdiction, and the IP ratings have taken into consideration such factors of the firms as volume, complexity, and size of work undertaken, visibility and profile in the region, growth of practice, key personnel hires, and key clients.