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CPA Conducts Mock Trial Session in 4th ACPAA IP Forum 


The 4th All-China Patent Attorneys Association (ACPAA) Intellectual Property Forum was held in Beijing on 26 July 2013. This year's IP forum was attended by more than 400 participants, including representatives from the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), local IP authorities, the courts, domestic patent agencies, and enterprises.
Among the activities of the forum was a mock trial session conducted by China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA), with the great support and assistance from the Beijing Higher People's Court, the Patent Reexamination Board, and ACPAA.
The CPA team responsible for the event have picked a real-life patent infringement case relating to a treadmill apparatus as the case at issue for the mock trial. Sitting on the bench of the collegial panel were two distinguished guests Judge Liu Hui of the Beijing Higher People's Court and Mr. Guo Pengpeng from the Patent Reexamination Board, along with CPA's deputy general manager Ms. Tina Tai. As to the roles of litigators representing the plaintiff and the defendant sides, they were played by four of the firm's experienced attorneys.
In order to achieve the best result, the CPA team have exercised the same degree of professionalism in preparing for and conducting the mock trial as in their daily practice. They worked diligently on every detail, from the choice and adaptation of the case, collection of evidence, deployment of strategy, and gathering for rehearsals to the actual role-playing. Their efforts were rewarded with the success of the mock trial, which proved to be very well received by the participants.

The mock trial in progress

The presiding judge of the collegial panel announcing the decision

The CPA team involved in conducting and role-playing the mock trial


Date:2013-08-16Return to List
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