





类别 基本号 商品/服务 Goods/Services
3 030226 香橼香精油 Citron (Essential oils of -)
3 030227 散沫花(化妆用染料) Henna [cosmetic dye] 
3 030228 鞋油 Shoe polish 
3 030028 洗衣用漂白剂 Laundry bleach 
5 050437 试纸(医用或兽医用) Reagent paper for medical or veterinary purposes 
5 050438 药用酒精 Alcohol for pharmaceutical purposes 
5 050439 杀虫剂 Pesticides 
5 050440 宠物尿布 Diapers for pets
6 060437 金属牲畜棚 Stables of metal 
6 060438 金属猪圈 Pigsties of metal 
6 060439 金属预制房(成套组件) Prefabricated houses [kits] of metal 
6 060440 金属托盘* Trays of metal* 
6 060441 金属制街道排水沟 Gutters (Street -) of metal 
6 060442 瓶用金属螺旋盖 Screw tops of metal for bottles 
7 070544 塑料加工机器 Machines for processing plastics 
8 080064 扳手(手工具) Spanners [hand tools]
9 090709 便携计算机专用包 Bags adapted for laptops 
9 090710 便携计算机套 Sleeves for laptops 
9 090711 数码相框 Digital photo frames 
9 090712 培养皿 Petri dishes 
9 090713 皮托管 Pitot tubes 
9 090714 频闪观测器 Stroboscopes 
9 090715 锥形交通路标 Traffic cones 
9 090716 非医用示温标签 Temperature indicator labels, not for medical purposes 
10 100225 医用示温标签 Temperature indicator labels for medical purposes 
12 120182 桨架 Rowlocks
12 120267 运载工具用刹车盘 Brake discs for vehicles 
12 120268 自行车专用马鞍包 Saddlebags adapted for bicycles 
13 130079 信号枪 Flare pistols 
18 180124 * Bags*
19 190246 非金属旋转栅门 Turnstiles, not of metal
19 190247 非金属墓碑标牌 Tombstone plaques, not of metal
19 190248 木地板条 Wooden floor boards
19 190088 非金属墓板 Grave slabs, not of metal
20 200286 非金属门环 Door knockers, not of metal
20 200283 非金属门铃(非电动) Door bells not of metal, non-electric
20 200284 自立式隔板(家具) Freestanding partitions [furniture]
20 200285 瓶用非金属螺旋盖 Screw tops, not of metal, for bottles
20 200059 衣架 Clothes hangers
21 210346 烘焙垫 Baking mats
21 210347 靴楦(撑具) Boot trees [stretchers]
22 220108 捕鱼用围网 Purse seines
22 220109 鱼类养殖用网箱 Net pens for fish farming
22 220110 船帆用帆布 Canvas for sails
25 250170 空顶帽 Visors [headwear]
26 260128 补花(缝纫用品) Appliqués [haberdashery]
26 260129 人造植物 Artificial plants
28 280217 游戏机控制器 Controllers for game consoles
29 290179 糖煮水果 Compotes
29 290180 炼乳 Condensed milk
29 290181 斯美塔那酸奶油 Smetana [sour cream]
29 290182 俄式熟酸乳 Ryazhenka [fermented baked milk]
29 290183 俄式酸牛奶 Prostokvasha [soured milk]
30 300217 意式面食调味酱 Pasta sauce
30 300218 谷物棒 Cereal bars
30 300219 棕榈糖 Palm sugar
30 300220 生面团 Dough
30 300016 饼干 Biscuits
33 330036 尼瓦(以甘蔗为主的酒精饮料) Nira [sugarcane-based alcoholic beverage]
34 340039 电子香烟 Electronic cigarettes
35 350108 药用、兽医用、卫生用制剂和医疗用品的零售或批发服务 Retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies
36 360110 股票经纪服务 Stock brokerage services
36 360111 债务咨询服务 Debt advisory services
37 370134 排水泵出租 Rental of drainage pumps
38 380049 视频会议服务 Videoconferencing services
38 380050 提供在线论坛 Providing online forums
39 390105 航空发动机出租 Rental of aircraft engines
39 390106 贵重物品的保护运输 Guarded transport of valuables
40 400123 锅炉出租 Rental of boilers
41 410199 学校教育服务 Services of schools [education]
42 420218 能源审计 Energy auditing
42 420219 网站设计咨询 Web site design consultancy
42 420220 软件运营服务[SaaS] Software as a service [SaaS]
42 420221 信息技术咨询服务 Information technology [IT] consulting services
42 420222 科学研究 Scientific research
42 420223 服务器托管 Server hosting
42 420224 临床试验 Clinical trials
43 430192 非剧院、非电视演播室用照明设备出租 Rental of lighting apparatus other than for theatrical sets or television studios
44 440210 替代疗法 Alternative medicine services
44 440211 语言障碍治疗服务 Speech therapy services
44 440212 健康咨询 Health counselling







Retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies



Retail or wholesale services for pharmaceuticals



Retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical preparations



Retail or wholesale services for sanitary preparations



Retail or wholesale services for medical supplies



Retail or wholesale services for veterinary drugs



Retail or wholesale services for veterinary preparations
2012-12-24 返回列表





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