
10月25日,欧洲法院应德国联邦法院请求,就后者正在审理的 Bernard Rintisch诉 Klaus Eder案(C-553/11)涉及的法律问题作出裁定,澄清了欧盟商标法律框架下商标真实使用的认定问题。 

Bernard Rintisch诉 Klaus Eder案是两位商标权利人之间的一起商标争议案。原告Rintisch先生拥有在德国注册的 “PROTIPLUS” 文字商标(1996年注册)、“PROTI” 文字商标(1996年注册),以及 “Proti Power” 文字和图形商标(1997年注册),指定使用于蛋白类产品。被告Eder先生拥有2003年在德国注册的“Protifit”文字商标,指定使用于食品添加剂、维生素制剂和减肥食品。原告Rintisch在诉讼中提出两项主张,其一是要求Eder撤销其注册的“Protifit”商标,其二是要求禁止“Protifit”商标的使用。 

Eder在抗辩中称,Rintisch未实际使用“PROTI”商标。Rintisch回应说,他在“PROTIPLUS”和 “Proti Power”两个商业名称(trade name)中使用了“PROTI”商标。在本案的一审和二审中,Rintisch的诉讼请求均被德国地方法院驳回,案件上诉到德国联邦法院。 

德国联邦法院认为,尽管“PROTIPLUS”和 “Proti Power”与“PROTI”文字不同,前两个商业名称中 “PROTI”商标的显著特征并没有改变,而且,申请人在“PROTI”商标公告前已经将“PROTIPLUS”和 “Proti Power”商标作了真实的使用。然而,宣判前德国联邦法院需要欧洲法院作出裁定,如此适用法律是否符合欧共体89/104/EEC指令第10条(1)和(2)款的规定。 




First Council Directive 89/104/EEC

Article 10

Use of trade marks

1. If, within a period of five years following the date of the completion of the registration procedure, the proprietor has not put the trade mark to genuine use in the Member State in connection with the goods or services in respect of which it is registered, or if such use has been suspended during an uninterrupted period of five years, the trade mark shall be subject to the sanctions provided for in this Directive, unless there are proper reasons for non-use.

2. The following shall also constitute use within the meaning of paragraph 1:

(a) use of the trade mark in a form differing in elements which do not alter the distinctive character of the mark in the form in which it was registered; 

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

Article 5 C.(2) Use of a trademark by the proprietor in a form differing in elements which do not alter the distinctive character of the mark in the form in which it was registered in one of the countries of the Union shall not entail invalidation of the registration and shall not diminish the protection granted to the mark. 

判决原文: Bernard Rintisch诉Klaus Eder案(C-553/11) 


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