
                Trademark Applications and Registrations in China, 2007

Item Domestic Foreign Madrid Total
Applications for registration 604952 59714 43282 707948
Applications for renewal of registered trademarks 54311 17708 3131 75150
Applications for opposition to registered trademarks 12646 4903 198 17747
Trademark modification applications 58013 17254 2104 77371
Trademark assignment applications 53859 10106 1701 65666
Trademark annulment applications 3800 1015 7870
Trademark cancellation applications 3055
Applications for recordal of license contracts 18415 18415
Registrations approved 215161 19159 29158 263478
Trademarks preliminarily approved 249998 26017 276015
Trademarks refused 68164 8129 76293
Trademarks patially refused 49175 3211 52386
Registered trademarks modified 61112 3777 64889
Registered trademarks assigned 51182 2673 53855
Registered trademarks renewed 67918 2176 70094
Registered trademarks anulled 94937 2508 98865
Registered trademarks cancelled 1420
Recordal of license contracts handled 18911 18911
Re-issuance of registration certificates 4735 4735

Datum:2010-06-21Zurück zur Liste
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd.


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