01-18 2023
Statistics of Trademark Appraisal Cases (November, 2022)
01-18 2023
Distribution of Grants for Inventions Received from Home and Abroad (January-November, 2022)
01-18 2023
Statistics on Valid Patents from Home and Abroad (November, 2022)
01-18 2023
Statistics on PCT Applications Received (November, 2022)
01-12 2023
Statistics of Geographical Indications (January-October, 2022)
01-12 2023
Statistics on Registration of Applications for Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits (January-October, 2022)
01-12 2023
Amount of Trademark Registrations and Valid Registrations from Domestic and Foreign Sources (October, 2022)
01-12 2023
Statistics of Trademark Oppositions (October, 2022)
01-12 2023
Statistics of Trademark Appraisal Cases (October, 2022)
01-12 2023
Distribution of Grants for Inventions Received from Home and Abroad (January-October, 2022)
01-12 2023
Statistics on Valid Patents from Home and Abroad (October, 2022)
01-12 2023
Statistics on PCT Applications Received (October, 2022)
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd.


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